21 Ways To Make Money From Your Music Online Episode 23
Season #1Episode #23
In today's episode Millicent gives 21 ways to make money from your music online. A Road map for anyone wanting to create or develop earning from their music online. Covering selling, advertising, teaching, performing, services, Sync and more. Complete the 'How To Make Serious Money From Your Music' Survey here: https://www.millicentstephenson.co.uk/Making-Music-Making-Money-Survey Get your free copy of 'Revealed - 25 Secrets of the Successful Gigging Musician, Singer, Rapper and Spoken Word Artiste' here: https://www.millicentstephenson.co.uk/pl/120288 full with information and insights to help musicians, singers, rappers and spoken word artiste find their way in the music industry by Millicent Stephenson, a Multi-award winning saxophonist. At the time of this recording Millicent is a member of the Executive Committee of the Musicians Union and also a member of Midlands Regional Committee and Equalities sub-committee of the Musicians Union; Founder and Creative Director of Cafemnee. Millicent is featured on Radio and TV. Millicent is a Harry Hartmann Fiberreed Endorser. Website: www.millicentstephenson.com Contact: [email protected]