Sleepless Menopause

How has the lack of sleep affected me? My eyes did not look healthy, not great for stage work.  My short-term memory became a little sketchy, although it didn’t affect music recall.  I didn’t have the stamina to drive for long periods anymore. Some nights I slept 3hrs to 4hrs only.  Sometimes 3hrs, then awake for 2-3hrs, back to sleep for 2hrs.  The next is a weird description, but I felt as though I was dragging my body around, with a distant memory of what ‘rest’ felt like. 

Does this description resonate with you? It's an excerpt from Millicent's new article on the experience of being a working musician going through menopause. It centres on sleep issues associated with menopause, how they interact with other symptoms, and gives ten strategies you can use to fight against them.

Click here to read the full article

If you find it useful, be sure to share it with friends of all genders. This could not only help more people who are...

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The Journey of a Menopausal Musician

I wrote an article for the Musicians Union in recognition of World Menopause Day, which is today because I struggled to find information on how it impacts women carrying out their music when my symptoms began a few years ago.  

I hope my views will help men to understand what the women in their life are going through, and for women to feel they are not alone.

You can view the article The Journey of a menopausal musician on the Musicians Union website or read it below.  I only ask that if you find it interesting...or not, I would love to hear your views.  Please leave them in the comments section below this post.

Kind regards


It was during an MU Committee meeting where we were informed that temperature checks would be part of COVID testing for musicians entering rehearsal rooms and Studios, that I laughingly said, “What about us women of a certain age? We do...

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