Ideas to fund the Time For My Music concert

Our online community for emerging musicians, Time For My Music, is preparing their first ever live concert in the city of Birmingham, UK. It’s been an exciting and inspiring process so far. The participants have brought a lot of energy, ideas and dreams to the table. For example, they’ve suggested music pieces that they’ve always wanted to have in their repertoire. Without revealing the whole set list, we can say that Stevie Wonder’s Superstition and Bob Marley’s One Love are among the selected songs. They’re sounding great already!

In regard to the date, we’re aiming for some time in November. Besides the music, though, there are many things we have to figure out first. One of them is how to pay for the expenses of the event. While we will sell tickets, we’d only be able to cover all the costs if we did so for a price that we consider too high. This means that we need to compliment ticket sales with other forms of...

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Time for Angela's music

Angela is a long time member of Time For My Music, our online community for emerging female musicians. She plays the alto saxophone, delving mostly into jazz, although she's a versatile interpreter that's open to other genres as well. 

Last year, motivated by the workshops and discussions that take place in the T4MM community, Angela took an important step in her journey by creating her own YouTube channel.

This is her testimony about it:

T4MM has helped me in many ways. The workshops are excellent. One of the workshops that
has really helped me was the one about setting up a YouTube channel.

I used to choose a few friends to share my songs with and leave it at that, but I considered creating a YouTube channel for a while —I just didn't have the confidence to do it. However, I really wanted to do a gig to celebrate the Jamaican Independence in 2023. For doing so, I told myself: "I am going to start my YouTube Channel." I recorded two songs in one...

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Time For Hillary's Music

Hillary, known professionally as Tiny Sax, is part of the Time For My Music online community for emerging female musicians. Her instrument is the alto saxophone, with which she plays a variety of genres including blues, soul, jazz and funk.

She has performed as a solo artist at a number of events, like a Windrush celebration (H Suite), OPOL function (Legacy Centre of Excellence), Our Journey function (Ibis Hotel), and as part of the ‘Not Just Jazz V’ concert of multi-award-winning saxophonist Millicent Stephenson. She has also played at private events like garden parties, and for children at schools.

Hillary plays in two bands: ‘As One Collective’ and ‘Mojo Train’. She has been occasionally invited to join the brass section in the Mike Davids Band too. You can watch her in action on her YouTube channel:

About Time For My Music, this is what Hillary has to say:

When I initially learned to play the saxophone, I had no...

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News about the concert of Time For My Music

Last year was a busy one for the women of Time For My Music, our community for emerging female musicians. Among the highlights, there's their first meeting face to face at the OLDP Women's Hub, and many preparations, workshops and rehearsals for their first live concert in Birmingham.

The idea to make the jump from the screen to the stage was brewing since 2022. While the event was originally planned for November or December 2023, the group arrived to the conclusion it'd be better to move it to 2024. That way, the suggestions of the survey we conducted in regard to the concert could be better addressed, there would be more time for logistics, and the participants would have more time to become confident in their performances.

The work in progress has been rewarding on itself. Every member of Time For My Music has been involved every step of the way, starting from the selection of the songs. The set list includes long time dreams of some of the women, as it's the case...

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Time For Joannie's Music

Joannie, known professionally as Joannie Joannie or JoannieJMusic, is part of the Time For My Music online community for emerging female musicians. Her element is the voice: she's a singer, songwriter and poetical lyricist, radio presenter and DJ. She is passionate about social connection and communication, which has allowed her to bring joy with her music to people of all ages, from youth groups to care homes residents.

Joannie joined Time For My Music to find support in order to tackle the hurdles that lockdown brought her, namely some voice problems and loss of confidence. With Millicent's guidance and the help of the community, she got back on track in no time. Once restrictions on live music were lifted, she got gigs, interviews, award nominations, and this year, the opportunity to release a single: You Bring Me Joy

Nowadays, Joannie is working regularly as music performer in restaurants with her duo SistasWithSoul. You can also find her on London World Radio,...

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Sleepless Menopause

How has the lack of sleep affected me? My eyes did not look healthy, not great for stage work.  My short-term memory became a little sketchy, although it didn’t affect music recall.  I didn’t have the stamina to drive for long periods anymore. Some nights I slept 3hrs to 4hrs only.  Sometimes 3hrs, then awake for 2-3hrs, back to sleep for 2hrs.  The next is a weird description, but I felt as though I was dragging my body around, with a distant memory of what ‘rest’ felt like. 

Does this description resonate with you? It's an excerpt from Millicent's new article on the experience of being a working musician going through menopause. It centres on sleep issues associated with menopause, how they interact with other symptoms, and gives ten strategies you can use to fight against them.

Click here to read the full article

If you find it useful, be sure to share it with friends of all genders. This could not only help more people who are...

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Update on Time For My Music's Next Concert

It has been a while since many of you answered the Time For My Music survey in regards of having the next concert happen face to face on a venue in the city of Birmingham (UK). The community happily received all your valuable feedback, and the women have been discussing and organising the event ever since.

At the moment, they're doing one of the most exciting parts of putting a show together, which is choosing their songs. There's going to be solo, duo and group acts, which has made the process quite exhilarating. All the options on the table are interesting, and the challenge of picking the ones that'll make for the best experience alongside the others has been a good exercise for the women.

The show is taking shape and the community of Time For My Music is doing its best to be able to confirm the exact date and location. Look forward to announcements and information about the concert coming out very soon!

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Lessons from Anna Mae Bullock (Tina Turner)

Anna Mae Bullock, known as the legendary Tina Turner, passed away three months ago. There are many things that one could say and highlight about her astounding career in the arts, and how she seemed to be able to sing, dance and act in anything she set her mind to. This time, however, we'd like to pay attention at how she kept a healthy work-life balance through her brilliant career, which most likely explains how long and fruitful it was.

When asked during an interview if she woke up in the morning and looked at herself in the mirror to marvel at the fact that she was really the one and only Tina Turner, this is what she replied:

In the current era, when everybody is a little celebrity building a persona through social media, this perspective becomes very valuable. Giving ‘everything’ on stage doesn’t have to include —in fact, it shouldn’t include— that which is more personal to us, our privacy and core identity. We must strive for a...

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A place for women to meet and collaborate

When the community of Time For My Music decided to have a Drink, Chill and Chat event in person, the question of the venue was the first to pop out. Fortunately, a woman who attends the Natwest Accelerator programme with Millicent mentioned the OLDP Women's Hub to her.

OLDP is the acronym of "Opportunities for Liberating and Developing your Potential", the name of the charitable incorporated organisation that manages the Women's Hub, among other facilities and programmes. Their objective is the promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by providing training and work experience initiatives targeting girls and women living in Birmingham and the surrounding area.

The Women's Hub is coworking space that women can rent to use as an office, and/or to conduct events, meetings and well-being activities. It counts with multiple spaces and appliances in order to accommodate to the needs of different business. The women of Time For My Music had a...

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Read what Janice has to say about Time For My Music

In preparation of the Drink, Chill and Chat in person event we'll have this Saturday 10th June on Birmingham, today we want to share a testimonial given by Time For My Music's member Janice about the good things that have come out of being part of the community for her:

Hi all.

I just managed to watch the video from the last DCC. I would like to thank everyone very much for their encouragement and support during my journey as a solo artist. These things mean a lot to me, and I am so lucky to have you all in my life. You all push me forwards and instil me with confidence, self-esteem and belief. Also, thanks to those who were able to attend the “Wednesday Mic Fever“ where I was featured. I really appreciate the feedback and lovely comments. It was truly an amazing experience that I will treasure forever. Things would not be the same, though, without the women from Time For My Music. The sessions have prepared me for the future and I still have a lot more to...

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