Do you have the right connections?

For quite some time, like the Frank Sinatra song, I thought ‘I did it my way’ with my musical achievements.  I believed I developed my music hobby into a professional music business all on my own steam.  I felt I carved my path and forged my way with no input from anyone else.  That I figured it all out, through epiphany.

But, while I was compiling my music business plan on a course I attended 10 years ago, I learnt something quite significant.  I learnt that although there were moments of revelation in my journey, I did not achieve half of what I had without someone else’s input.  

The people who point the way; those who offer a shoulder to cry on; individuals who pass on opportunities; fans who take it upon themselves to be my ambassadors; colleagues who make the time to explain concepts so I can do my business better; and so on.   

By the way, your own connections are not too far away.  


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Success Beyond The Score, season 2, episode 19

Today’s episode of the podcast is perfect to start the year: from each guest, we are going to hear at least three essential tips that you can do now to make it in the music industry and build a full-time career. It condenses all the other advice and experience we have enjoyed through all the season, which is great and so useful, isn’t it?

Find the perfect platform to listen to the audio version in this link, or watch on YouTube.

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Success Beyond The Score, season 2, episode 17

A new episode of my music business podcast “Success Beyond The Score” is now available on YouTube and all major podcast platforms!

This time, I asked my guests about their careers’ highs and lows. What did they learn from both the brightest and the darkest times of their careers? What do they value the most after all the ups and downs? You let me know what you think, leaving a comment.

Also, remember that there is a new free download, dedicated to some key actions you can do to always get paid before gig day.

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Success Beyond The Score, season 2, episode 16

Welcome to a new episode of Millicent's podcast, Success Beyond The Score. This episode is a juicy one, as the guests will talk about the essence of the business side of music. Record labels, contracts, financial planning, education and training, networking, all that is going to be covered by the brilliant Ruby Turner MBE, Dan Whitehouse, Anna Brooks, Abigail Kelly, Louise Dengate and Tony Bean.

Give it a watch on Youtube, or visit this page to see all the podcast platforms where Success Beyond The Score is available.

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Are you standing still, going backwards or moving forwards?

I’ve been thinking about ways to help you with your music development and the thought occurred to me, how do I know if you are standing still, going backwards or moving forwards with your music?

I thought about this because many people look at me and think I have it made, or that I don’t have a clue about what-what’s because I was born that way.  But, I can tell you that although I’m moving forward there were times when my music stood still and when it went a way back!

In my 20s, I was gigging a lot, mainly in the Gospel circuit.  I was well known in my circuit and then I fell in love, got married and moved to the North of England. 

Now, in those days there was no internet or mobile phones, just letters, landlines and call boxes on the streets. Lol! The Gospel music circuit in the North was not as developed as the Midlands or South, so I had to travel back often. I didn’t have role models who commuted, also work...

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