No matter how experienced or learned someone is, how many resources they have, how many measures they take, accidents and mistakes are inescapable. What defines a good musician isn't the absence of hiccups or errors, but rather, how they react to them.
Take as an example this rendition of Queen's quintessential song, Bohemian Rhapsody, played during a concert in Caracas, Venezuela, back in 1981.
Even if you aren't a fervent fan of Queen, it's highly likely that you've listened to this song enough times to tell something goes wrong at the 01:40 mark. Brian May works around the issue to play the solo for that part, but by 02:04, he changes the melody completely. The image isn't that clear, but apparently he missed his cue and broke one of his strings immediately after.
Observe how he doesn't freeze, doesn't stop or reacts in a visibly panicked way. His fellow band members do look slightly confused while they understand what happened, but this doesn't prevent them from playing their...
Here we reproduce a letter by researcher Mahaliah Edwards, who's looking for musicians to contribute to her current line of work. Please, take a look:
Dear all,
I’m wondering if you can help me.
For my Master’s degree, I’m researching musicians who have in-depth cultural and social understanding of two or more distinct musical traditions. I want to find out about their musical upbringing and experiences moving between different musical traditions and spaces. There are many terms for this, including bimusicality or intermusicality.
I’m looking to interview musicians of any description over the age of 18 who may relate to this topic. I’m keen to have respondents from many different cultural, social and musical backgrounds.
If you yourself are interested or if you know anyone that would be interested to participate please send this email on.
This link to the initial questionnaire which takes 5 mins to...
We all have heard about tap dancing, and we also know beatboxing. But have you ever thought about how these two arts could sound together? Well, American dancer Savion Glover and Barbados-born rapper Doug E. Fresh show us how:
This performance happened almost ten years ago, but it's as wonderful as it was the first day. Some times, combinations that should be rather obvious are the ones that surprise us the most. Kudos to the artists!
Did you know that, without being clear on your motivation, you won’t achieve your music targets or complete your plans?
During lockdown I, like many, had my live music work restricted, postponed or cancelled. I was depressed for the first two weeks of our first lockdown. Although I was worrying about my income, I was mostly sad not to be able to meet people and do my thing. Why? Because I enjoy the fact that my music makes people feel better and it takes them to another place. It’s one of the reasons why I go on stage. Realising this helped me to adapt the way I work during lockdown so I could continue doing what I do.
The other thing about motivation is that it can change. In the early days, I just wanted to play because I felt this is my talent and I must deliver. Later on, it was about earning through my music and making it my full-time career, which I did. Nowadays, it’s about making a difference by imparting my experience to help others...
The last weeks of December and the first of January are a time to relax and look back, but also to look forward. It is a good moment to decide on what you want to achieve in the new year, which is important because, without goals, you could find yourself drifting and not getting anywhere fast.
With this in mind, I tend to write my yearly music business plan around this time of the year. Yes, it is a scary word for some, but I have found that writing a plan has helped me to achieve more goals in better condition, than not having any outline at all.
It is a good exercise to write it out. Doing so, I have learned to differentiate elements that could be done efficiently from those that would take longer, and also distinguish between the urgent and the important. Using the plan as a guide, I have also been able to go through the year seeing the opportunities that match my goals and go for them, and reject those that, even if they look beneficial, don't...
Anything can happen on stage and, as performers, we must be prepared! However, sometimes things go wrong no matter how hard you think about every possible inconvenience ahead of time. That was the case of Taiwanese-Australian violinist star Ray Chen during a concert in Brussels some years ago, when one string of his violin broke mid-song: Watch on YouTube.
We feel his pain, but the video is hilarious! Check how everybody reacts super fast, while the director pays no mind whatsoever to the chaos unfolding right next to him. The show must go on and orchestras know this better than anyone!
We hope this brings a smile to your face and some energy for the week that just started. If you want to learn more about how to make your performances a success no matter what, be sure to check the e-learning course "10 Things The Most Successful Artists Always Do, That You Can Do, To Give An Unforgettable Show"