A place for women to meet and collaborate

When the community of Time For My Music decided to have a Drink, Chill and Chat event in person, the question of the venue was the first to pop out. Fortunately, a woman who attends the Natwest Accelerator programme with Millicent mentioned the OLDP Women's Hub to her.

OLDP is the acronym of "Opportunities for Liberating and Developing your Potential", the name of the charitable incorporated organisation that manages the Women's Hub, among other facilities and programmes. Their objective is the promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by providing training and work experience initiatives targeting girls and women living in Birmingham and the surrounding area.

The Women's Hub is coworking space that women can rent to use as an office, and/or to conduct events, meetings and well-being activities. It counts with multiple spaces and appliances in order to accommodate to the needs of different business. The women of Time For My Music had a...

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TRANSCRIPTION: "Success Beyond The Score" Podcast, S.3, EP. 5

Here is the transcription of episode 5 of season 3 of the podcast "Success Beyond The Score". Happy reading!

- Watch the video of the episode here: YouTube

- Listen to the audio of the episode here: Kajabi


I'm going to be diving into the three reasons why you should be charging for your music starting today! It's really, really warm weather and in fact, I've got a gig later on as well, but I thought I'd come on and speak with you and share some nuggets. And I would love to hear from you too. If you've got a story to tell about getting paid, put that in the comments; I'd love to read it out, give you some tips on that. And if you've got any questions, please do that.

Getting paid is a real vital thing for musicians. I said in episode one, on Monday, that I believe every musician should be paid their worth. I a 100% believe it, believe it, believe it. Of course, it's a journey, and for some of you, you're probably not charging at all —that's why...

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Read what Janice has to say about Time For My Music

In preparation of the Drink, Chill and Chat in person event we'll have this Saturday 10th June on Birmingham, today we want to share a testimonial given by Time For My Music's member Janice about the good things that have come out of being part of the community for her:

Hi all.

I just managed to watch the video from the last DCC. I would like to thank everyone very much for their encouragement and support during my journey as a solo artist. These things mean a lot to me, and I am so lucky to have you all in my life. You all push me forwards and instil me with confidence, self-esteem and belief. Also, thanks to those who were able to attend the “Wednesday Mic Fever“ where I was featured. I really appreciate the feedback and lovely comments. It was truly an amazing experience that I will treasure forever. Things would not be the same, though, without the women from Time For My Music. The sessions have prepared me for the future and I still have a lot more to...

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Come to have a Drink, Chill and Chat with Time For My Music

After years operating online due to the conditions of the pandemic, Time For My Music will have a meeting in person! We are very excited to finally see each other in the flesh and share some quality time. In addition, we want to use the occasion to hopefully introduce more emerging female musicians to the community. If you are a woman in music who can attend an event in Birmingham (UK) this Saturday 10th June between 2pm and 4pm, please know we'd be delighted to have you there!

How to know if this event is right for you? Well, if:

  • You are a female musician (for example: pianist, guitarist, drummer, percussionist, wind player, singer, rapper).
  • Your music is your hobby, or side hustle, but you are not making much money
  • You are stuck with how to take your music forward
  • You are looking for a space to discuss situations that affect women in music, without cynical or negative feedback.
  • Knowing about mics, and what the buttons on an amplifier/PA system...
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Level up your performance by using Backing Tracks to their max potential

No band? No problem! Backing Tracks got you covered, and if you don't know how to use them or want to get better at it, then this course is for you.

Learn where to buy professionally made Backing Tracks that enhance your performances, what software to use in order to adjust them to your needs and style, and how to play them to their max potential during gigs. Get ideas through real life examples, detailed explanations and quick tips that are easy to apply and remember. After this course, your performances will be on a while new level!

Watch the introductory video and get your course clicking here.

You can see more courses and resources in our store. If you want to get familiar with Millicent's teaching style first, there are free gifts for you as well!

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What shall I play at the Legacy Centre in 2 weeks time with the Not Just Jazz Band?


Songs are a big thing for me. I guess, maybe for you too.  As a musician I spend time thinking about what to play to suit the occasion.  I spend time listening to new songs.  Learning them.  My ears are sensitive to music wherever I go. 

This week I finalising my set for my live performance with the Not Just Jazz Band. 

It's been a while. Lockdown got in the way, then it was about navigating obstacles and finally rebuilding my music business.  I'm currently inundated with work, but I could not pass up the opportunity of this invitation.  Playing at Wednesday Mic Fever meant I could get the Band together. Although everyone is working on various projects, we have not played together in, I think 4 years, so this for me will be a treat.

When are we playing? Wednesday evening 7th June.  I know it's a Wednesday, a mid-week brightener :-)  

Where are we playing? The Legacy Centre of Excellence, 144 Potters Lane, Birmingham B6 4UU,


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TRANSCRIPTION: "Success Beyond The Score" Podcast, S.3, EP. 4

Here is the transcription of episode 4 of season 3 of the podcast "Success Beyond The Score". Happy reading!

- Watch the video of the episode here: YouTube

- Listen to the audio of the episode here: Kajabi


Today is day four of season three of my podcast, Success Beyond the Score. And if you haven't already watched the first three episodes, one's about "The Seven Stages Of The Gigging Musician", the other was about, um... oh gosh, I can't remember all my titles now! Look, just go back, there's a playlist. Getting old, haha!

Anyway, today is about: "I'm A Musician. Why Do I Need A Business Plan?" And this is a topic most musicians just say: "No, I really, really, really don't need this at all. You know, I do not need this at all. I just want to play!".

By the way, if you can't hear me, drop a message in the chat so that I can make sure you can all hear me 'cause the last thing I want is to, is to be —I think that seems to be working— is to be...

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Christine Anderson's campaign for female mediocrity

We know what you first thought was: Is there someone campaigning in favour of female mediocrity?! What's that supposed to mean?!

 In an article posted by the Musicians' Union as part of their guest blogs, Christine Anderson explains her point. This viola player, who's a member of Her Ensemble, as well as an orchestral and chamber musician, shares her experiences and thoughts on women and diversity within the classical music industry in a thought provoking article that starts like this:

The classical music industry is changing. Admittedly, the pace could generously be described as glacial: according to Donne - Women in Music, in the 2021-22 season, across 111 orchestras in 31 countries, just 7.7% of pieces played were by women, of which 5.5% were white (while 27.5% of pieces were by the same ten historical, white European men).

But this is at least a slight improvement on the previous year, where just 5% of compositions were by women. And out with the big, established...

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Did you ever consider this fantastic combination?

We all have heard about tap dancing, and we also know beatboxing. But have you ever thought about how these two arts could sound together? Well, American dancer Savion Glover and Barbados-born rapper Doug E. Fresh show us how:

This performance happened almost ten years ago, but it's as wonderful as it was the first day. Some times, combinations that should be rather obvious are the ones that surprise us the most. Kudos to the artists!

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Is this the best behaved audience ever?

The COVID-19 pandemic forced artistic venues to close down and all artists across the world face the scary question of how to keep doing our thing when we couldn't even meet with our audiences. After three months of inactivity, the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona came up with a solution. On June 2020, they offered a performance to an attentive public that needed no social distancing:

Watch on Instagram

Shared by im just culture (@imjustculture)

The string quartet in charge of the performance played Giacomo Puccini's "Crisantemi" for a full auditorium of potted plants plus human audiences connected via livestream. Later, the plants were donated, along with a certificate of attendance, to over 2000 healthcare professionals attending the COVID-19 emergency.

The event, a call to reconnect with nature in times of crisis, was the prelude to the Liceu's 2020-2021 season, during which the Spanish authorities permitted the operation of artistic...

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